CoronaVirus, COVID-19, News update

Positive Indonesian citizen Covid19 in Singapore, After Returning from Jakarta

Indonesian citizens in Singapore were again reported positively infected by the corona virus.

jAKARTA – Indonesian citizens in Singapore are again reported positively infected by the corona virus. the 65-year-old Indonesian became the 152th 19th Covid case in Singapore.


quoted from the Straits Times , One of the immigrant cases announced yesterday, Case 152, is an Indonesian citizen aged 65 years. He reported the onset of symptoms while in Indonesia on February 28, and sought treatment at a hospital in Jakarta on March 2.

he arrived in Singapore on 7 March and appeared at Singapore General Hospital (SGH). He was confirmed to have a Covid-19 infection on Sunday, after returning from Jakarta.

It must be remembered, Tourists and other short-term visit permit holders in Singapore must pay for Covid-19 treatment themselves from March 7, the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) said on Monday (March 9).

it cites the increasing number of infections globally and the expected increase in confirmed cases, saying Singapore will “need to prioritize resources in the hospital.

Singapore will still waive the testing fees for these short-term visit card holders, but they must pay for treatment if they are arrested.

the government will continue to pay Singapore residents and long-term permit holders – such as work, student permits and dependents – who are treated in public hospitals for treatment, said a spokesman for the Singapore Ministry of Health.

the question is: How is CORONAVIRUS care and health test in Indonesia / Jakarta. (stv)

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