CoronaVirus, COVID-19, News update

Positive Indonesian citizen Covid19 in Singapore, After Returning from Jakarta

Indonesian citizens in Singapore were again reported positively infected by the corona virus.

jAKARTA – Indonesian citizens in Singapore are again reported positively infected by the corona virus. the 65-year-old Indonesian became the 152th 19th Covid case in Singapore.


quoted from the Straits Times , One of the immigrant cases announced yesterday, Case 152, is an Indonesian citizen aged 65 years. He reported the onset of symptoms while in Indonesia on February 28, and sought treatment at a hospital in Jakarta on March 2.

he arrived in Singapore on 7 March and appeared at Singapore General Hospital (SGH). He was confirmed to have a Covid-19 infection on Sunday, after returning from Jakarta.

It must be remembered, Tourists and other short-term visit permit holders in Singapore must pay for Covid-19 treatment themselves from March 7, the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) said on Monday (March 9).

it cites the increasing number of infections globally and the expected increase in confirmed cases, saying Singapore will “need to prioritize resources in the hospital.

Singapore will still waive the testing fees for these short-term visit card holders, but they must pay for treatment if they are arrested.

the government will continue to pay Singapore residents and long-term permit holders – such as work, student permits and dependents – who are treated in public hospitals for treatment, said a spokesman for the Singapore Ministry of Health.

the question is: How is CORONAVIRUS care and health test in Indonesia / Jakarta. (stv)

CoronaVirus, Health, News update

The Indonesian government Announces, Covid19 Positive Patients Increase to 19 People

Government spokesman for handling Corona Achmad Yurianto virus. (Photo/@stevan.firman

JAKARTA – The Indonesian government announced an increase in the number of positive patients contracting the corona virus from 6 patients to 19 patients.

previously the number of corona positive patients was six. Yurianto said that number had increased to 19 people. The addition of corona-positive patients began with case 07, a 59-year-old woman.

Another patient was case 08, male, age 56, who contracted case 07.Yurianto said that patients in cases 07 and 08 were husband and wife.

The condition of case 08 patients using some infusion equipment, oxygen.

The next patient was case 09, a woman aged 55 years. Then, case patient 10, a foreign citizen aged 29 years. Furthermore, case 11 patients, female foreigners aged 54 years who after traced had contact cases 01.

Furthermore there were cases 12, 31-year-old men who had also had contact with case 01. The 13 case patients were 16-year-old women related to case 03 patients.

the next patient, 14 cases of men aged 50 years and cases of 15 women aged 43 years.

Furthermore, case patient 16, a 17-year-old female, was associated with patient number 15 due to close contact.

the other three patients, case 17 (male 56 years), case 18 (male 55 years), and case 19 (male 40 years) were patients categorized as imported cases.

people are asked to remain calm because the tendency of this disease is clinically not as we imagine it as in Wuhan, “he concluded, Yuri. (stv)

CoronaVirus, Health, News update

Two New Cases of Positive Coronavirus in Indonesia, Thus the total Case confirmed to be 4 Cases

Indonesian Government spokesperson, specifically handling corona virus, Achmad Yurianto (Stevan firman)

Two New Cases of Positive Coronavirus in Indonesia, Thus the total Case confirmed to be 4 Cases

JAKARTA — Special Government Spokesman for the handling of the corona virus, Achmad Yurianto said there were two new people who were positive for the corona virus (Covid-19). they were treated at RSPI Sulianti Saroso


Thus, in total there were 4 people in Indonesia who were tested positive for corona virus infection by the government.

Case number 3 and number 4. The other 37.6 degrees body temperature 37.7. Gender doesn’t need to be called. Lhe is between 33 and 34 Indonesian citizens, “Yurianto said at the Presidential Palace Complex, Jakarta, Friday (6/3).

Cor Corona virus isolation room (Covid-19). at RSPI SuliantiSaroso. (Stevan Word)

Yurianto said that two positive patients infected with the corona virus had been in contact with a patient from Depok who had previously tested positive first.

This is from the patient tracing box 1 and we just received the results this afternoon,” Yurianto said.

Previously, there were two residents who were positive with the corona virus. They are a 64-year-old mother and 31-year-old daughter.

Both are residents of Depok, West Java and are treated at RSPI Sulianti Saroso. The government first announced the case of the two Depok residents on Monday (2/3).

So far, the government also stated that there were 9 patients who were isolated and treated at RSPI Sulianti Saroso, Jakarta. Of the 9, based on the latest information, there were 4 patients who tested positive for the corona virus. while 5 other patients have the status of suspect corona. (stv)

CoronaVirus, COVID-19, News update

Coronavirus Direct update: The global death toll from coronavirus is now more than 3,000

Additional deaths bring the total death toll on mainland China to 2,912. (Stevan firman)

JAKARTA – The death toll of coronavirus in mainland China increased by 42 Sunday, according to the Chinese National Health Commission (NHC). All new deaths have occurred in China’s Hubei province.


Additional deaths bring the total death toll on mainland China to 2,912, the NHC said.

There were 129 deaths reported outside mainland China, increasing the number of global deaths to 3,041.

Additional deaths bring the total death toll on mainland China to 2,912. (Stevan firman)

Additional deaths bring the total death toll on mainland China to 2,912. (Stevan firman)

The number of confirmed cases in mainland China has increased in 202. Of those cases, 193 are in Hubei province. that means there are nine new cases reported throughout mainland China outside Hubei, according to the NHC.

Other deaths worldwide include:

54 deaths in Iran

34 deaths in Italy

20 deaths in South Korea

12 deaths in Japan

2 deaths each in Hong Kong and France

1 death each reported in the Philippines, Taiwan, Australia, Thailand and the United States

The total number of confirmed cases in mainland China is now 80,026, bringing the global total to 88,443. As many as 44,462 patients in China have recovered and were discharged from the hospital, NHC said.

Indonesia confirmed its first two Covid-19 cases, Reuters reported, after weeks of speculation that diseases such as pneumonia had penetrated into the world’s fourth most populous country. (stv)

CoronaVirus, COVID-19, News update

Coronavirus Direct update (Monday): High Iranian official dies due to CoronaVirus, and Indonesia confirms its first two Covid-19 cases

Additional deaths bring the total death toll on mainland China to 2,912. (Stevan Word)

China is grappling with a new coronavirus epidemic that began in December and has spread to countries around the world. while this country has made progress in controlling the spread of the virus, the picture abroad is less positive because hotspots have emerged in a number of other countries, including Japan, South Korea, Italy and Iran.

Breaking news Update will continue to cover this story as it develops. Please check regularly for updates.

Additional death data bring the total death toll on mainland China to 2,912. (Stevan Word)

Monday, March 2, 6 pm

a top Iranian official advising the country’s top leader died Monday after falling ill with a new corona virus, the Associated Press reported, citing Iranian state radio.

Mohammad Mirmohammadi, 71, who sits on the Benefit Affirmation Council advising Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, died in a hospital in the capital, Tehran. high-level officials have contracted Covid-19 in Iran, which has recorded the most virus-related deaths in any country outside China.

Concerns about the global pandemic deepened on Monday as new cases continued to emerge in several countries.

South Korea, which has confirmed cases in any country except China, recorded 599 new infections over the course of the day, with a total standing at 4,335 on Monday afternoon, according to the Yonhap News Agency.

in response, the South Korean government delayed the start of the new school year until March 23, three weeks later than originally scheduled. The peninsula nation also expanded the network of “drive-through” screening stations in an effort to control the spread of the virus, according to Yonhap.

in the United States, where the virus is known to have made dozens of people sick, public health experts warn that a possible outbreak is significant.

speaking Sunday on CBS News “Face the Nation,” former Commissioner for Food and Drug Administration Scott Gottlieb said there might be “hundreds or thousands of low” cases of Covid-19 in the US. this country will have the capacity to screen 20,000 suspected cases every day. in two weeks, although treatments and vaccines remain much further, he added.

In other developments related to international viruses:

• Indonesia confirmed its first two Covid-19 cases, Reuters reported, after weeks of speculation that diseases such as pneumonia had spread to the fourth most populous country in the world.

RSPI Sulianti Saroso isolation room in North Jakarta. (Stevan Word)
RSPI Sulianti Saroso isolation room in North Jakarta. (Stevan Word)

• Australia confirmed the first human-to-human transmission case after three people in New South Wales contracted the virus without leaving the country, state health minister Brad Hazzard said at a news conference Monday reported by the broadcasternational ABC.

• India said two more people tested positive for the virus: one in the capital, New Delhi, and one in the southern state of Telangana. Patients recently traveled to Italy and the United Arab Emirates, a health ministry statement said.

in China, authorities are conducting legal proceedings against eight high officials in Hubei province, Central China because of their role in allowing recently released prisoners, surnamed Huang, to travel from the suffering city of Wuhan to Beijing, wherehe tested positive for new ones. coronavirus.

According to the official Xinhua news agency, they are being investigated for neglect of duties and potential violations of Chinese civil servant law. They included Tan Xianzhen – head of the Hubei justice department – and Hao Aimin, head of the provincial prison management bureau.

hao, along with several other prison management officials and senior prisoners at the facility where Mr. Huang was detained, has also been removed from his position.

Here is another collection of China Covid-19 news:

• Eastern Zhejiang Province downgraded the emergency response rate (link in Chinese) from one to two, to become the 19th province in China which downgraded its official threat rating.

• Macao, the largest gambling center in the world, recorded a record decline in gaming revenue of 87.8% YoY in February after authorities in the semi-autonomous region closed the casino for 15 days from 5 February.

• A Caixin survey released Monday showed that Chinese manufacturing activity shrank at the fastest pace in nearly 16 years due to a decline in new orders, output and employment, all of which have been severely hit by the plague.

Monday, March 2, 10 in the morning

New coronavirus outbreaks continued to spread throughout Europe on Sunday even as China, where the deadly disease known as Covid-19 was first reported, recorded a significant reduction in the number of new cases.

in Italy, the number of cases jumped 50% (links in Italian) between Saturday and Sunday bringing the total to 1,694, according to the country’s health ministry.

Five more patients died from Covid-19 in European countries, bringing the number of deaths there to 34the United States warned its citizens not to travel to two regions in northern Italy that were most severely hit by the plague.

The number of cases in France rose to 130, the country’s health agency said Sunday, according to a report in Le Monde (link in French).

Britain added 13 more cases, bringing the total to 36, according to BBC of the new cases, from the southeastern area of Essex, “is not a relevant trip” to other affected countries, so it is not clear how they got the virus, the British medical director said.

the US on Monday confirmed a second virus-related death when a man in his 70s with an underlying health condition died in King County in Washington state, according to CNN, citing a press release from the district’s public health authority.

The news came after New York state governor Andrew Cuomo said in a tweet Sunday that a woman in her 30s had become the first person in the state to be confirmed to have Covid-19.

he contracted the virus while traveling in Iran, where the disease has spread rapidly, and is currently in quarantine at home, Cuomo said, according to Reuters. More than 70 people in the US have been diagnosed with Covid-19 so far.

the Czech republic and the Dominican Republic also recorded their first Covid-19 case on Sunday, according to the report.

When public health problems are rife in Europe and the US, the situation in mainland China continues to move in a more positive direction.

The country’s health ministry confirmed 202 new Covid-19 cases on Sunday, the lowest number since January, in the latest indication that the disease may have peaked in an East Asian country. the majority of new cases were recorded in Hubei, the province most severely affected by the outbreak.

Mainland China recorded 42 new deaths on Sunday, all of which occurred in Hubei. although it was slightly higher than the total of 35 Saturdays, it continued to trend now-weeks of less than 100 deaths per day, a marked improvement from the situation in mid-February.

The new cases nudged the total number of China beyond 80,000. covid-19 is now officially making sick 80,174 people in the country, killing 2,915.

Mainland China added 141 suspected cases and 2,837 recovery on Sunday. Around 44,462 people have now recovered from this disease.

Other deaths worldwide include:

54 deaths in Iran
34 deaths in Italy
20 deaths in South Korea
12 deaths in Japan
2 deaths each in Hong Kong and France
1 death each reported in the Philippines, Taiwan, Australia, Thailand and the United States.(stv)